1·Irish immigrants in American cities organized many building and loan associations to provide capital for home construction and purchase.
2·Our retained profits will provide capital for the planned growth next year.
3·Unfortunately, there is still US legislative reluctance to provide capital to the IMF.
4·One obvious way for shareholders to exercise influence is through their willingness (or otherwise) to provide capital.
5·Some smaller companies that relied on Lehman to provide capital could suddenly lose access to liquidity and fail, lawyers warned.
6·They provide capital and credit to families purchasing homes, students attending college, businesses looking to start up or expand.
7·Rural Wenzhou entrepreneurs provide capital and consumer goods to the cities, and their private capital financed its airports and highways.
8·The use of farm programs to provide capital as a substitute for labor drove large numbers of marginal farmers and former tenants out of farming.
9·The other is a loan to provide capital-often to set the farmer up in business by enabling him to buy the farm itself or a mule or tractor, or all three.
10·It is China's sincere hope to share its experience with Nigeria, and we are willing to provide capital, technology and personnel in support of Nigeria's industrialization.